特聘研究员,博导,上海市领军人才。博士毕业于加拿大阿尔伯特大学机械工程专业。主要研究方向包括信号分析与处理、人工智能、预测与健康管理、机器视觉、可靠性分析、基于可靠性的设计优化。(曾)担任Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 、Reliability Engineering and System Safety、Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence客座编辑,ICASD 2023 Program Chair、APARM2020 Vancouver大会秘书、IEEE PHM2020 Shanghai、IEEE PHM2021 Nanjing 、IEEE PHM2022 Yantai项目委员会成员。联系邮箱:yuejianchen@tongji.edu.cn
11/2021-今: 同济大学,铁道与城市轨道交通研究院,特聘研究员
07/2020-08/2021: 阿尔伯塔大学,博士后,导师: Ming J. Zuo
10/2019-12/2019: 新南威尔士大学,青年访问学者,导师: Zhongxiao Peng, Bob Randall, Pietro Borghesani
01/2019-04/2019: 麦克文大学,兼职讲师
1. 国家自然科学青年基金,《面向高速列车齿轮故障诊断的鲁棒变参数时序表征方法研究》,2025-2027,52405125,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,《多源激励与参数时变作用下高速列车车辆系统振动性能劣化机理及优化研究》,2024-2027,52375115,参与
3. 先进轨道交通自主运行全国重点实验室开放课题,《基于数模驱动的轮对轴承智能故障诊断方法研究》,2024-2025,RAO2024K04,主持
4. 上海市多网多模式协同创新中心-子项,《融合物理信息的循环神经网络故障检测方法》,2022-2023,主持
5. 上海市科委启明星扬帆专项,《时变工况下齿轮箱故障诊断的时间序列方法研究》,2022-2025,22YF1450500,主持
6. 上海市委组织部第12批次上海市领军人才(海外)青年资助,《轨道交通关键部件故障诊断预测与健康管理》,2022-2024,主持
7. 石油天然气装备教育部重点实验室基金,《风力发电机关键旋转部件的智能故障诊断》, 2021, OGE202101-08,主持
8. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Discovery Grant,《Intelligent Reliability Assurance Using Dynamics Modeling and Machine Learning》, 2021-2026, RGPIN-2021-02900,参与
9. Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF)- Future Energy System (FES),《Decision Support System for Improved Construction and Maintenance of Nonelectrical Infrastructure for Energy》,2017-2023,FES-T11-P01,参与
10. Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) - Future Energy System (FES),《Wind Farm Operation and Grid Integration》,2017-2023,FES-T14-P02,参与
11. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Discovery Grant,《Reliability Assurance Methodology Incorporating Advanced Diagnostics and Prognostics》, 2016-2020,RGPIN-2015-04897,参与
12. Mitacs Globallink Program-University of New South Wales,《Fault Detection and Severity Assessment for Gearboxes under Random Speed Variation》, 2019,IT15293,参与
13. Mitacs Accelerate Program-ENMAX,《Degradation Assessment of Critical Power Generation Assets》, 2017,IT09089,参与
Journal Papers:
[1]. Linhan Ouyang, Yushuai Che#, Chanseok Park, Yuejian Chen*. A novel active learning Gaussian process modeling-based method for time-dependent reliability analysis considering mixed variables. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. vol. 244, 109916, 2024
[2]. Juhui Zhang, Xiaowen Yao, Zongyi Xing, Yuejian Chen*. A Multi-line structured light sensor-based system for measuring the geometries of train wheelsets. IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(15):24609 – 24621, 2024.
[3]. Yuejian Chen, Meng Rao, Ke Feng, Gang Niu*. “Modified varying index coefficient autoregression model for representation of the nonstationary vibration from a planetary gearbox” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.72, 3511812, 2023.(ESI前1%高被引、热点论文)
[4]. Yuejian Chen, Yizhao Li*, Gang Niu, Ming J. Zuo “Offline and Online Measurement of the Geometries of Train Wheelsets: A Review” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, 3205691, 2022.
[5]. Yuejian Chen, Gang Niu, Yifan Li*, Yongbo Li. “A modified bidirectional long short term neural network for rail vehicle suspension fault detection” Vehicle System Dynamics, vol.61(2), p.1-25, 2022.
[6]. Yuejian Chen, Meng Rao, Ke Feng, and Ming J. Zuo*, “Physics-informed LSTM hyperparameters selection for gearbox fault detection”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.171, p.108907, 2022. (ESI前1%高被引)
[7]. Yuejian Chen, Ming J. Zuo*, “A sparse multivariate time series model-based fault detection method for a gearbox under variable speed condition” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 167, 108539, 2022.
[8]. Yuejian Chen, Stephan Schmidt, Stephan Heyns, and Ming J. Zuo*, “A time series model-based method for gear tooth crack detection and severity assessment under random speed variation,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.156, 107605, 2021.
[9]. Yuejian Chen, Xihui Liang, and Ming J. Zuo*, “An improved singular value decomposition-based method for gear tooth crack detection and severity assessment,” Journal of Sound and Vibrations, vol.468, 115068, 2020
[10]. Yuejian Chen, Xihui Liang, and Ming J. Zuo*, “Sparse time series modeling of the baseline vibration from a gearbox under time-varying speed condition,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.134, 106342, 2019.
[1].陈岳剑, 石奋义;一种城轨交通探头角度智能调整的轴温探测装置, 2016-04-20,中国,ZL201410108139.8
[2].陈岳剑, 王晓浩;一种城轨交通运营安全模拟沙盘的车头解码控制器, 2016-03-02,中国,ZL201410171800.X
[3].陈岳剑, 邢宗义;一种垂向轨道长波不平顺在线监测方法及系统, 2016-03-02,中国,ZL201410255058.0
[4].邢宗义, 陈岳剑;一种城轨交通运营安全模拟沙盘的多功能解码控制器, 2016-03-02,中国,ZL201310752759.0
[5].王晓浩, 陈岳剑, 王露, 郭岑, 邢宗义;一种城轨列车轮对踏面轮廓线的获取方法及装置, 2016-09-21,中国,ZL201410433520.1