Position: Distinguished Research Fellow
Supervisor: PhD and Master’s Supervisor
Department: Institute of Rail Transit, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Research Interest: Railway Vehicle and Track Energy Harvesting; Wheel-Rail Contact and Wear; Rail Nondestructive Detection, Railway Vehicle System Dynamics; Railway Vehicle Braking Safety
Lecture Course: Mechanical Vibrations; Thermodynamics; Optimization Theory and Method; Rail Vehicle Braking
My lab has opening positions for postdoctoral fellows, doctoral and master's students, as well as outstanding undergraduate research assistants, on a long-term basis. Self-motivated students who are interested in the above research directions are encouraged to contact me by email at yupan@tongji.edu.cn
Professional Experience
2024.02 – Present Distinguished Research Fellow Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
2022.08 – 2024.02 Senior EngineerENSCO Rail, Inc.,Springfield, Virginia, U.S.
2020.01 – 2022.08 Postdoctoral Associate Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S. (Advisor: Mehdi Ahmadian)
Educational Background
2015.08 – 2019.12 PhD (in Mechanical Engineering) Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S. (Advisors: Lei Zuo & Mehdi Ahmadian)
2011.09 – 2015.07 Bachelor(in Vehicle Engineering) Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
Honors and Awards
1. Selected into Chinese Ministry of Education 1st batch Overseas High-Level Talents Youth Program
2. Selected into Shanghai 14th batch Overseas High-Level Talents Youth Program
3. Best Conference Paper Award, 2018 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
4. Virginia Tech GSA Academic Travel Award, 2016
5. Tongji University Academic Scholarship, 2012, 2013 & 2014
1.Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities: Rail Energy Harvesting Tuned Inerter Damper, 2024.03 – 2024.11, PI.
2. Chinese Ministry of Education Talents Youth Fund: Wheel-Rail System Energy Harvesting, Vibration and Noise Reduction, and Self-powered Intelligent Monitoring, 2024.02 – 2027.02, PI.
3. Shanghai High-level Talents Youth Fund: Operational Quality Improvements for Freight Rail Transportation with Increased Speed, 2024.02 – 2027.02, PI.
4. U.S. Department of Transportation Research Fund: Energy Harvester Tie for Serving the Needs of the Railroad Industry to Access Electric Power in Remote Locations, 2020.12 – 2022.09, Leading Participant.
5. U.S. Department of Transportation Research Fund: Methods for Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement of Top of Rail Friction Modifiers (TORFM) in Revenue Service, 2020.12 – 2022.09, Leading Participant.
6. U.S. Department of Transportation Research Fund: Quantitative Evaluation of Effect of Top of Rail Friction Modifiers on Reducing Wheel and Rail Wear,2020.12 – 2022.09, Leading Participant.
7. U.S. Federal Railroad Administration Research Fund: Experimental Validation of Wheel-Rail Contact Practices and Models toward Improving Rail Vehicle Dynamic Understanding and Safety, 2019.09 – 2021.12, Leading Participant.
8. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Overseas Research Fund: Technology and Innovation of One-way Rotating Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvester for Railroad, 2017.12 – 2019.12, Leading Participant.
9. State Key Laboratory of Rail Transit Vehicle System Open Research Fund: Key Technology and the Dynamic Coupling between Rail Track and Energy Harvesting, 2017.12 – 2019.12, Leading Participant.
10. China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation (CRRC) Yangtze Co., Ltd. Research Development Fund: Vibration Energy Harvester for Railcar, 2016.02 – 2018.12, Leading Participant.
Teaching Courses
Spring 2024, Teaching Assistant, Graduate Level Course at Tongji University: Optimization Theory and Method (22 students)
Spring 2024, Teaching Assistant, Graduate Level Course at Tongji University: Rail Vehicle Braking Technology (4 students)
Spring 2024, Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Level Course at Tongji University: Mechanical Vibration (56 students)
Spring 2021, Instructor, Undergraduate/Graduate Level Course at Virginia Tech: ME4534 Land Vehicle Dynamics (105 students)
Spring 2016, Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Level Course at Virginia Tech: ME4005 Mechanical Engineering Lab I (25 students)
Fall 2016, Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Level Course at Virginia Tech: ME4006 Mechanical Engineering Lab II (23 students)
Representative Publications
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=oW5cwiAAAAAJ
Representative Journal Articles and Patent:
1. Yu Pan, Ahmad Radmehr; Mehdi Ahmadian*.“Experimental evaluation of amount and repeated applications of top of rail friction modifiers on wear and adhesion.” International Journal of Rail Transportation (IF 4.0), 2023, 11(6): 855-871
2. Yu Pan*, Lei Zuo, and Mehdi Ahmadian. “A half-wave electromagnetic energy-harvesting tie towards safe and intelligent rail transportation”. Applied Energy (IF 11.2), (2022) 313: 118844.
3. Yu Pan, Teng Lin, Feng Qian, Cheng Liu, Jie Yu, Jianyong Zuo, and Lei Zuo*. “Modeling and field-test of a compact electromagnetic energy harvester for railroad transportation.” Applied Energy (IF 11.2), (2019) 247: 309 - 321.
4. Yu Pan, Fengwei Liu, Ruijin Jiang, Zhiwen Tu, and Lei Zuo*. “Modeling and onboard test of an electromagnetic energy harvester for railway cars.” Applied Energy (IF 11.2), (2019) 250: 568 - 581.
5. Yu Pan, Lei Zuo, and Mehdi Ahmadian. “Kinetic energy-harvesting device for powering and charging railway and other applications”. U.S. Patent Application No. 17/719,971, filed on April 13th, 2022; Publication No. 2022/0337124 A1, published on October 20th, 2022.
Representative Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings:
1.Yu Pan, Timothy Mast, Carvel Holton, Mehdi Ahmadian*. “Performance evaluation of a novel optical sensing system for detecting rail lubricity conditions” In ASME Joint Rail Conference (Vol. 84775, p. V001T12A003), 2021, Virtual, Online.
2. Yu Pan, Ahmad Radmehr, Ali Tajaddini, Mehdi Ahmadian*. “An experimental study of the influence of the amount of top-of-rail friction modifiers on tractions” In ASME Joint Rail Conference (Vol. 84775, p. V001T10A003), 2021, Virtual, Online.
3. Yu Pan, Lei Zuo*, and Mehdi Ahmadian*. “Design and bench tests of a smart railroad tie for energy harvesting” In ASME Joint Rail Conference (Vol. 83587, p. V001T03A010), 2020, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.
4. Yu Pan, Teng Lin, Cheng Liu, Jie Yu, and Lei Zuo*. “A compact ball screw based electromagnetic energy harvester for railroad application”, In Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, Civil Infrastructure, and Transportation XII (Vol. 10599, p. 105990F), 2018, Denver, Colorado, United States.
5. Yu Pan, Fengwei Liu, Ruijin Jiang, Zhiwen Tu, and Lei Zuo*. “Design, modeling and lab test of electromagnetic energy harvester for railway vehicle suspensions”, In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (pp. V003T01A018), 2017, Cleveland, Ohio, United States