
PositionAssociate Professor

TutorDoctoral SupervisorMaster's Supervisor

Telephone: 18721006023


DepartmentInstitute of Wheel/Rail System Research

Main research directions: Vibration and Noise in Rail Transit, Wheel-Rail System Dynamics

Lecture courses

Undergraduate Course: Introduction to Rail Transit

Master’s Courses: Modern Track Engineering

Structural Dynamics;

Vehicle Track Coupling Dynamics;

Noise Control Technologies for Rail Vehicle

Doctor’s Course: Track Structure Dynamics

Academic and administrative position :

Member of the First Batch of The Comprehensive Expert Database of Shanghai Transportation Construction

Member of the First Batch of National Expert Database of Noise Pollution Control

Young Editor China Journal of Highway and Transport

Expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China

Member of International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration

Senior Member of Chinese Society of Vibration

Member of The Acoustical Society of China

Member of The UK Acoustics


 • Journal of Vibration and Shock

 • China Journal of Highway and Transport

 • Urban Mass Transit

 • Proceedings of Mechanical Engineers, Part FJournal of Rail and Rapid Transit

 • Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control

 • Advances in Structural Engineering

Educational experience

1.  2001/03-2006/11, Ph. D., Mechanical Design and Theory, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2.  1996/09-1999/04M. S., Civil Engineering, Southeast University

3.  1992/09-1996/06B. S., Civil Engineering, Southeast University

Work experience

1. 2015/12-Present: Associate Professor, Institute of Rail Transit, Tongji University

2. 2017.08-2018.08: Academic Visitor, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of SouthamptonCo-advisor: Prof. David Thompson

3. 2009/09-2010/08: Academic Visitor, Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education, University of Birmingham, Co-advisor: Prof. Chris Baker

4. 2001/06-2015/12: Lecture, Institute of Rail Transit, Tongji University

5. 2000/04-2001/06: Assistant Engineer, Institute of Rail Transit, Tongji University

6. 1999/04-2000/04: Assistant Engineer, Institute of Wheel Rail System, Shanghai Railway University

Teaching situation

 Guided Shanghai Undergraduate Innovation Program: 2 items

 6 Masters have been graduated. 2 are studying for master’s degree and 1 for doctor’s degree.

Students majoring in Railway Engineering, Mechanics, Acoustics, Rail Transit Vehicle Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Vehicle Operation Engineering are welcome to apply for the master/doctoral degree.

Research project

 Principle Investigator:

1. Research on Metro Vehicle Broad Band Interior Noise in Tunnels Considering Structure-borne and Airborne Transmission Paths, sponsored by the Shanghai Scientific Committee, 2020.7-2022.6

2. Study on the Influence Characteristics and Limit Value of Track Decay Rate and Wheel/Rail Roughness on Wheel/Rail Noise, sponsored by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University, 2018.9-2019.8;

3. Effect of Track Structure after Using Isolation Techniques on the Vehicle Interior Low Frequency Vibration & Noise and Study on Its Transfer Characteristics, sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015.01-2017.12;

4. Vibration and Noise Performance of Vossloh Fastener System, sponsored by Vossloh Fastener System Co., Ltd (China), 2014.01-2017.12;

5. Influence Prediction and Countermeasures of Metro Vibration on Precision Instruments, Sponsored by Suzhou Railway Group Co., Ltd., 2014.06-2015.12

6. Systematic Simulation of High Speed Railway Train-Track-Bridge based on Rigid Flexible Hybrid Model, supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University, 2012.01-2013.12;

7. Fatigue Test of Rubber Absorber, sponsored by National Science and Technology Support Program, 2009.01-2012.12;


1. Time-Varying Interval Analysis Method for Dynamic Evolution Mechanism of Rail Abnormal Wave Wear, sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018.01-2021.12;

2. Research on Frequency Division of Vibration and Noise in Ningbo Rail Transit Viaduct, sponsored by Ningbo Railway Group Co., Ltd., 2015.8-2016.12;

3. Test of Vibration Reduction Performance of Special Shaped Bearing Block, sponsored by Jiangyin Haida Rubber and Plastic Co., Ltd., 2012.9-2014.12;

4. Research on the Integrated Testing and Testing Platform and the Key Technology of Urban Rail Transit, sponsored by National Science and Technology Support Program, 2009.01-2012.9;

5. Load Test of Poyang Lake Long Span Bridge, sponsored by Nangchang Railway Bureau, 2008.01-2009.12;

6. Horizontal Shock Absorber of Mass Transit Vehicle, sponsored by Shanghai Economy Committee, 2004.01-2008.12;

7. Noise Source Control in Existing and New-built Mass Transportation, sponsored by the Shanghai Scientific Committee, 2003.01-2006.12;

8. Study on the Characteristics in Continuous Welded Rail between Temperature Force and Track Dynamic, sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2003.01-2005.12;

9. Investigation of Plastic Sleepers Using Recycled Material, sponsored by the Shanghai Scientific Committee, 2002.01-2004.12;

10. Evaluation of the Low Vibration Rail Structures in Pearl II of Shanghai Lightway, sponsored by the Shanghai Scientific Committee, 2000.01-2004.12;

11. Examination Elastic Slider of High Speed Turnout, sponsored by Shanghai Railway Bureau, 1999.06-2003.12

Selected Publications

1. Yunfei Zhang, Li Li*, Zhenyu Lei, Longbo Yu, Zheng Bu. Environmental Noise beside an Elevated Box Girder Bridge for Urban Rail Transit.  Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering),2021,22(1):53-69

2. Zhu Jianyue, Lei Zhenyu, Li Li. Flow-induced Noise Behaviour around High-Speed Train Wheelsets, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 55(14):69-79

3. Li Li, David Thompson, Yingsong Xie, Qian Zhu, Yanyun Luo, Zhenyu Lei. Influence of Rail Fastener Stiffness on Railway Vehicle Interior Noise. Applied Acoustics, 2019,145: 69-81

4. Li LiYin Tiefeng, Zhu Qian, Luo YanyunCharacteristics and Energies in Different Frequency Bands of Environmental Noise in Urban Elevated RailJournal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering2018,18(2):120-128

5. Li Li, Zhu Qian, Xie Yingsong. Vehicle Exterior Noise Quality Evaluation in Different Elastic Rail Fastener Track Sections Based on Psychoacoustic Parameters22nd International Conference on Urban Transportation   and the Environment, CreteGreece21-23 June 2016

6. Xie Yingson, Li Li, Wang LongbinPrediction and Countermeasure for the Influence of Metro Vibration on Precise Instrument. Urban Mass Transit, 2016, 3: 46 ~ 50

7. Y. Luo, L. Li*, H. Yin. A Dynamic Analysis of a Continuous Welded Rail Track under a Longitudinal Stress caused by Temperature Changes. Proceeding. IMechE Part F: J. Rail and Rapid Transit. 2010, 224:91-101

8. L. Li, Y. Luo. Stable Analysis of CWR Track by Its Vibration Characteristics, Advanced Materials Research, 2012,446-449: 2624-2632.

9. L.Li, C. Geng, Q. Yu. Effect Analysis on Heavy Tuned Mass Damper System used in Urban Transportation. Urban Transport XVIII, 2012:685-695

10. L. Li, Y. Luo. CWR Track Vibration Characteristics Varying with the Change of Supporting Condition. WIT Transactions on the   Built Environment, 2012:745-752

11. Li LiMeng Guang .Coupling Resonance Analysis of Maglev Vehicle and Steel Frame with Slow Rising and Falling, Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2006,6:46-48

Awards and patents

Patents of Invention:

1. Luo Yanyun, Li Li. Turnout Rail Broken Rail Monitoring Device, Date of Grant: 2010.02.17, Patent Number: ZL200820057951. 2;

2. Luo Yanyun, Zhu Jianyue, Li Li. A Method to Measure Longitudinal Force in Continuous Welded RailwayDate of Grant: 2009.08.05, Patent Number: ZL200610023168.X;

Honor and Awards:

1. Atlas Copco Excellent Teacher, 2010;

2. Research and Application of Key Technologies of Vibration Reduction and Noise Reduction for Rail Transit, the Second Prize of Shanghai, the thirteenth place, Obtained in 2007;