CHEN Xiaohong


CHEN Xiaohong

 Director, Professor

Maglev Transportation Engineering R&D Center, Tongji University




 Chen Xiaohongborn on August 15,1961, is a professor of School of Transportation Engineering, director of Maglev Transportation Engineering R&D Center at Tongji University, and dean of the Institute of Rail Transit.

 She has led a number of major research projects initiated by the 863 Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Social Science Fund of China as well as the strategic policy consultation projects initiated by the Ministry of Transport. She has carried out more than 100 consultation projects regarding urban transportation development strategy and systematic planning, and she has led the technical consultation project covering the entire process of China’s first medium and low-speed maglev line in service. She was the leader of the transportation system planning project for 2010 Shanghai World Expo and the core expert of Shanghai Urban Overall Planning 2035. She has published 4 monographs and more than 80 SCI/EI papers, and has completed 5 national codes and industrial standards as the main author. She has been awarded more than 10 ministerial/provincial prizes for scientific and technological advancement, the 2013 Shanghai Woman Pacesetter, the 2014 National Woman Pacesetter etc. (no more than 300 characters).

 She graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University with a master degree in electric and electronics, and received his doctorate from Tongji University in transportation engineering and planning. She has been teaching at Tongji University since July 1987, and visited University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA from July 2007 to June 2008. She is teaching courses of transportation system planning, transportation engineering for master and doctorate candidates, undergraduate course of passenger transport system. Her courses are popular among the students and she was awarded as one of the top ten popular teachers in 2010 in Tongji University. She has been engaging in the field in urban transportation planning, regional highway network planning, transportation demand model and traffic flow simulation, public transportation planning, management and public information system. She is membership of the following professional associations, China Highway Plan Association; China Urban Transportation Plan Association; Traffic Engineering and Environment Committee of Shanghai Transportation Engineering Association.

Research interests

  Transportation System Plan: Road Network Plan, Transit Network Plan

  Regional and Local Transportation Policies, Transportation Development Strategy

  Traffic Modelling and Simulating

  Advanced Technologies and Methods for Traffic Data Collection and Analyses

  Traffic Information Systems Supporting Transport Planning  

  Environment Impacts of Traffic System

Honors & Awards

  Science and Technology Research AWARD, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, PRC

   Development of Transit Trip Information Service System, 2000

   Study on Methodology of Freeway Network Design and Application in Metropolitan Subur2001

   Study on the Strategy of Shanghai Vehicle Growth Management and Emission Control in 2001-20052003

   Study on the Methodology of Shanghai Transportation System Planning During the Rapid Motorization2007

   Shanghai 2010 Expo Transportation Strategy Study, 2009

  Research Award for Government Decision Making, Shanghai Municipality, PRC

   The Risk Evaluation of the Yangtze River Tunnel Construction2004

   Methodology of Non-Motorization Transportation System Plan, 2010

  Science and Technology Improvement Award for Best Research, China Navigation Association, PRC

   Study on the Strategy of Transportation Development in Yangtze Rive Delta Area2005

  Science and Technology Improvement Award for Best Research, China Ministry of Construction, PRC

   Development of Shenzhen Urban Transport Simulation System2007


Design Manual for Highway and City Road (planning part), Chapter 1 Road Network Plan and Demand Analyses, p1-p81, by China Architecture and Building Press, Jan. 1, 2005, Beijing ISBN:711206760

Urban passenger transport system, by Tongji University Press, March 3, 2008ISBN:9787560837505

Technical standards of traffic impact analysis of construction projects,CJJ/T141-2010, by China Building Industry Press, March 31, 2010, Industry standard of PRC

Technical guidelines for traffic impact analysis of construction projects, chapter 8-10, by China Building Industry Press, 2010 Beijing, in press

Code for Planning of Intersections on Urban Roads, GB-50647-2011, December 24, 2010, Industry Standard of PRC