职 务:特聘研究员
所在系所(部门):同济大学铁道与城市轨道交通研究院 轨道车辆装备与制动安全实验室
担任2024年美国铁路联合会议(ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference, JRC 2024)分会联合主席、组织委员会和学术委员会委员
担任2023年美国铁路联合会议(ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference, JRC 2023)组织委员会和学术委员会委员
长期担任Vehicle System Dynamics、Journal of Sound and Vibration、Journal of Vibration and Acoustics、Journal of Vibration and Control、Smart Materials and Structures等领域内知名期刊和会议审稿人
2024.02 – 至今 特聘研究员 同济大学铁道与城市轨道交通研究院
2022.08 – 2024.02 高级工程师 美国ENSCO Rail, Inc.
2020.01 – 2022.08 博士后研究员 美国弗吉尼里理工大学(Virginia Tech)车辆系统与安全中心(合作导师:Prof Mehdi Ahmadian)
2015.08 – 2019.12 博士 美国弗吉尼里理工大学(Virginia Tech)机械工程系(导师:Prof Lei Zuo & Prof Mehdi Ahmadian)
2011.09 – 2015.07 学士 同济大学 铁道与城市轨道交通研究院
1. 入选首批国家级海外引才专项计划
2. 入选第十四批上海市海外高层次人才计划青年项目
3. 最佳会议论文奖,2018 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
4. Virginia Tech GSA Academic Travel Award, 2016
5. 同济大学学术奖学金, 2012, 2013 & 2014
1.中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金:轨道馈能惯容阻尼器研究,2024.03 – 2024.11,在研,主持
2. 教育部青年人才项目:轮轨系统馈能减振降噪与自供电智能监测,2024.02 – 2027.02,在研,主持
3. 上海市委组织部青年人才项目:提速货运轮轨系统运行品质改善,2024.02 – 2027.02,在研,主持
4. 美国交通部科研项目:智能能量回收轨枕:为偏远地区铁路运输供电,2020.12 – 2022.09,已结题,参与
5. 美国交通部科研项目:运营铁路轨道顶部摩擦改进剂定性与定量的测量方法,2020.12 – 2022.09,已结题,参与
6. 美国交通部科研项目:钢轨顶部摩擦改性剂对减少轮轨磨损效果的定量评价,2020.12 – 2022.09,已结题,参与
7. 美国联邦铁路局科研项目:轮轨接触方式对提高轨道车辆动力学理解和安全性的试验验证,2019.09 – 2021.12,已结题,参与
8. 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金:轨道振动单向旋转电磁能量收集关键技术研究,2017.12 – 2019.12,已结题,参与
9. 轨道交通运载系统国家重点实验室开放课题:铁路轨道振动能量收集关键技术及其耦合影响研究,2017.12 – 2019.12,已结题,参与
10. 中车长江车辆有限公司国际合作项目:轨道货车能量回收悬挂系统研发及测试,2016.02 – 2018.12,已结题,参与
2021年春季学期参与讲授Virginia Tech本科生/研究生课程《地面车辆动力学》的教学任务(105位学生)
2015年秋季和2016年春季学期负责讲授Virginia Tech两门本科生实验课程(分别23位和25位学生)
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=oW5cwiAAAAAJ
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yu-Pan-13
1.Yu Pan, Ahmad Radmehr; Mehdi Ahmadian*. “Experimental evaluation of amount and repeated applications of top of rail friction modifiers on wear and adhesion.” International Journal of Rail Transportation (IF 4.0), 2023, 11(6): 855-871
2. Yu Pan*, Lei Zuo, and Mehdi Ahmadian. “A half-wave electromagnetic energy-harvesting tie towards safe and intelligent rail transportation”. Applied Energy (IF 11.2), (2022) 313: 118844.
3. Yu Pan, Teng Lin, Feng Qian, Cheng Liu, Jie Yu, Jianyong Zuo, and Lei Zuo*. “Modeling and field-test of a compact electromagnetic energy harvester for railroad transportation.” Applied Energy (IF 11.2), (2019) 247: 309 - 321.
4. Yu Pan, Fengwei Liu, Ruijin Jiang, Zhiwen Tu, and Lei Zuo*. “Modeling and onboard test of an electromagnetic energy harvester for railway cars.” Applied Energy (IF 11.2), (2019) 250: 568 - 581.
5. Yu Pan, Lei Zuo, and Mehdi Ahmadian. “Kinetic energy-harvesting device for powering and charging railway and other applications”. U.S. Patent Application No. 17/719,971, filed on April 13th, 2022; Publication No. 2022/0337124 A1, published on October 20th, 2022.
1.Yu Pan, Timothy Mast, Carvel Holton, Mehdi Ahmadian*. “Performance evaluation of a novel optical sensing system for detecting rail lubricity conditions” In ASME Joint Rail Conference (Vol. 84775, p. V001T12A003), 2021, Virtual, Online.
2. Yu Pan, Ahmad Radmehr, Ali Tajaddini, Mehdi Ahmadian*. “An experimental study of the influence of the amount of top-of-rail friction modifiers on tractions” In ASME Joint Rail Conference (Vol. 84775, p. V001T10A003), 2021, Virtual, Online.
3. Yu Pan, Lei Zuo*, and Mehdi Ahmadian*. “Design and bench tests of a smart railroad tie for energy harvesting” In ASME Joint Rail Conference (Vol. 83587, p. V001T03A010), 2020, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.
4. Yu Pan, Teng Lin, Cheng Liu, Jie Yu, and Lei Zuo*. “A compact ball screw based electromagnetic energy harvester for railroad application”, In Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, Civil Infrastructure, and Transportation XII (Vol. 10599, p. 105990F), 2018, Denver, Colorado, United States.
5. Yu Pan, Fengwei Liu, Ruijin Jiang, Zhiwen Tu, and Lei Zuo*. “Design, modeling and lab test of electromagnetic energy harvester for railway vehicle suspensions”, In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (pp. V003T01A018), 2017, Cleveland, Ohio, United States.